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I finally did something for me….

It seems these days, everything I do is always for someone else.  Especially when it comes to painting furniture. I have a list a mile long of project in my home that I want to get to, but somehow that never seems to happen.  Well last weekend, I finally got my hands on a chair that I purchased at the Goodwill well before Christmas of 2011.  I has been sitting in my living room with it’s gold paint screaming at me for months…not mention the hideous fabric.
I had purchased a vintage feed sack from another merchant at the mall we are in a while back.  I knew I wanted to use it to recover this chair.  So all I needed to do was to decide what color to paint it.  
I decided I would base coat the entire chair in CeCe Caldwell’s Vermont Slate.
I waxed the entire piece, then top coat it in a custom mix of 
Texas Prairie and Michigan Pine.
Then I lightly distressed it to reveal the Vermont Slate.
I sealed the chair with CeCe Caldwell’s Satin Finish.  It has the same look and feel as wax, but much more durable.  Which for me seemed perfect.  Plus you don’t have to buff…which some days, I really hate doing.  This was one of those days.  I started the project at 5 o’clock at night and just wanted to finish it that night.
Well, I did finish all the painting and sealing, but saved the reupholstering until the next day.
I kept the original fabric to use as a pattern.
I simply split the backside of the feed sack down the middle and stitched that to both sides of the front of the feed sack so it was wide enough. Then I pinned to old fabric to the backside of the feed sack, making sure the printing was going in the correct direction and cut around the old fabric.  I left about a 1/2 in border just to make sure I had room to staple.
This is the finished result.
 Yes, I left the original stains that were on the sack.  I felt like it added character!
Finally….something for me!
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The Pauper's Castle




  • Teri Broberg

    Nice job on the chair. I just put new cane in two chairs and have painted with Pittsburgh Grey. After several coats, I am still having trouble getting coverage on the cane. Any tips you can share? thanks, Teri

  • The Paupers Castle

    Hi Teri,

    I am not sure. Are you waiting until the paint is completely dry before recoating? Did you stir your paint from the bottom up to make sure it was thoroughly mixed? My suggestion would be to make sure you have done the 2 things I mentioned above. I used a natural bristle brush when I painted this. They seemed to hold paint better than synthetic brushes. That would be my next suggestion. If you have tried all the mentioned and you are still having trouble, please let me know. We can dig further.

  • Teri Broberg

    Hi Kellie, Thanks for your suggestions. Yes, I am waiting overnight and using a natural bristle brush. And I think I stirred it well enough, but I will pay more attention to that. Looking back through your post I noticed that your chair had cane that was previously painted. My cane is brand new and just doesn't seem to want to take the paint. It is slick. It only matters if you look very closely; from a distance it looks gray, but up close the natural cane shows through. I even tried stippling it to no avail. For now, I think I will just settle for an imperfect job and hope that when I wax it, it doesn't become more noticeable. The Satin Finish would be easier over the cane, but I want the rest of the chair waxed. I am afraid the color will be different unless I wax the whole thing. Not anxious to try wax through all those little holes. 🙁

  • The Paupers Castle


    If you are not in a super hurry…hold tight for a moment and let me ask some of my other CeCe Sisters and see if they have suggestions. Give me a couple of hours and I will see what I can come up with for you.


  • Teri Broberg

    No problem, I won't start waxing until tomorrow. Do you think I should forgo the wax and just use the Satin Finish on the whole thing? It is a big wooden chair where I replaced the back upholstery with cane. It was SO UGLY before! I painted the bottom cushion in Daffodil. Love the way the paint made the fabric look like new.

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