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All Dressed & No Occasion


It seems as though I am a minority when it comes to having a space to call my own.  At least for being creative.  Since I don’t have a room designated specifically for crafting and creating, my dining room table some how looks like a dumping ground more often than

When we moved into our house 7 years ago, I immediately knew I would be cutting out the centers of 2 of my kitchen cabinet doors and creating glass front doors.  I really wanted more than just glass, so I went in search of something to create a leaded look. 


Secretary Dresser and a Desk


Just when I think things are going to settle down and life will be at a slower pace…someone hits the gas!   We were out of town last weekend for our annual fall garage sale with Mr. T’s family.  It’s always a good time!  WAY TOO MUCH FOOD (grows the rear

So you have a box some where of Grandma’s old doilies.  You think they are pretty, but they just don’t work with your current decor…they are just too….well….Grandma! Not anymore!   They make perfect spider webs for Halloween decor! Fred on his doily web This is our front entry!  Fred on


My new FAVORITE product


About a month ago I was reading through some new blogs and happened across…Three Boys Blog. I really was enjoying Sara’s posts.  So I decided to become a “follower”. “Ding”, “Ding”, “Ding”….CONGRATULATIONS….You are number 1000! I was so excited….not for me, but for her.  I know this is a HUGE


A “Free” Buffet!!!


Two weekends ago we had our neighborhood garage sale. My husband and I did a bit of shopping. We didn’t purchase a thing for the booth, but we did find a really cool lawyers bookshelf for Mr. T and a “dancing princess” dress for my daughter.  She was soooo happy! 

I’m not really sure where my summer has gone!  It seems like June 4th hit (the day of the Preeclampsia Promise Walk) and summer took off in a sprint and I am still jogging to cool down!  We have been UNBELIEVABLY busy this summer.  Too busy! We were out of

I haven’t posted in a while due to the fact we just got off a 3 week mid-west tour. We have kept one CRAZY schedule for the month of July and it’s won’t be over until August.  We saw 7 states in 3 weeks… my husband’s, dad’s side of the