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I was overwhelmed and little intimidated

At the end of last week, I received a phone call from Chantelle of Bungalow 47.  I consider her a friend and co-worker.  She is also our regional distributor for our CeCe Caldwell’s Paint. She said she finally had a confirmed date for the “Big Blogger” workshop that she has had in the works for about a month or two now. It’s a long story on how this all came to be, but it had finally come to fruition and she wanted to know if I could attend.  I said I would find a way!  At first I was so excited, but as the time grew closer, I began to freak out a bit!
The workshop started at Noon on the south side.  I had some previous engagements that kept me from being there on time.  I had planned to arrive about an hour and a half late. At the last minute, Chantelle called and said they needed more supplies.  So by the time I did all the running to get what was needed, I did not get there until around 3:00.  Needless to say I was a bit late.  
In some cases, I guess there is a part of me that was OK with this.  Those that were in attendance where the faces and authors behinds some very high profile blogs. 
 Now, most of you are saying….what?  What a great opportunity and you are right!  It was.
  But somehow I couldn’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the opportunity and a bit intimidated by their success.  I have an OK blog. It’s very average, even though I am darn proud of where it is based on my non-techiness.  But it is nothing that even comes close to the influence that they have on blogsphere.  It was a bit scary.  Kind of like interviewing with the top dog.  Needless to say, when I get in situations like that, I tend to get very quite.  I sometimes feel like I have forgotten how to talk and make conversation.  
Am I the only one out there like this?
I had taken my camera planning to take LOTS of pictures so I could share my experience, but again, intimidation got the best of me!  
I H-A-T-E this about me!  
As I looked around the room at everyone’s camera, I began to feel very inferior.  Especially when I pulled out my $200 point and shoot kodak camera, next to their SLR cameras on tripods.  I can only imagine what they were thinking.  
So, needless to say, I took very few photos.

This is Chantelle sharing how to do the textured clay technique. 
So cool and can’t wait to do something in this!

 After the “Big Blogger” workshop we were doing a workshop for a large ladies group.  
This was much more my speed! 
 I did truly enjoy this and met a lot of really neat people in the process.  
However, I was too busy chatting and helping with projects that I forgot to take more pictures.  Go figure!
This was Chantelle’s stage!  I brought the paint and she did the talking! 
She is great at what she does.  
Jill and I sat back and watched.  
We were too busy laughing at each other to do any instructing!
Here are the ladies hard at work!  We had a lot of really great projects finished that night! 
I am thankful for the opportunity and the experience.  It was also a lesson and reminder of how I let things get the best of me sometimes.  Something I need to work on!
Ciao for now! Kellie
The Pauper's Castle




  • Shelly Andrade

    I'm not an envious type of person but right now I am SO jealous! Chantelle, I want my training!

  • The Paupers Castle

    It was a fantastic opportunity! I am grateful. Almost finished with a step stool that I tried this technique on. I'm IN LOVE! Just call and schedule a time to go to the shop. They would love to have you!

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